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Thursday, July 9, 2009

An AppLe A day kEEps ThEDocTor Away????

Taken from a traditional nursery rhyme from the sixteenth century, this good advice on eating healthily would have been even more valuable in an age where the doctor looked like this!!!

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Apple in the morning - Doctor's warning
Roast apple at night - starves the doctor outright
Eat an apple going to bed - knock the doctor on the head

Three each day, seven days a week - ruddy apple, ruddy cheek!"

I just remembered when i was a kid, I always asked my Mom to changed my breakfast routine from sandwich to an apple. Then my Mom said " Are you insane or what? Where should I gonna find an apple when you are surrounded by the oil palm tree? So, kakak please finish up your meal or you gonna late to school". As a stubborn and of course...cute daughter, I replied to her back, " mom... But Cikgu Peah said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away...'. Then I got 'survenier' from my mom before I started my journey to my lovely premier school.

That proverb quotes keep playing in my mind, until now... Why an apple? Why not strawberry? or maybe the durian for malaysian? Isn't it?

Then I came out with the theory that apple come with the symbolic of healty. The red colour of apple makes me feel of sexy, healty, and confident with my self... There was no wonder that more withches used apple to attracted the attantion of their target such as Snow White and Sleeping Beuty.... What I'm trying to said is apple gave me a positive perspective of my life.

Otherwise, I've had read one article about Muslimah... I can't remember the exactly whole the story but the point of view here is a good Muslimah should acted like an apple..if you're in fruits categories lah...

A man have to climb up the tree to reach of the apple just to get the better, good quality and full-blown one at the top of the tree. They are dying to get them...

Not like Durian, they have to fell down itself to make people come and ate them... people easily can get them to eat.. even they have sort of thorny skin, but why should they need to low standard of itself just only to make people touch, feel, and eat them. What a pathetic attics hah...

And also I don't want you girls at out there to be likes cucumber... What a 'lembek' person you are if u choose to be that way...

So Girls, please wake up! we are no longer a weak person. So prove it your self that you are strong enough the shake the world with a pair of your hand that normally used to 'swaying' the future generation...

As the reminder for my self and also for others women... of cource Muslimah.
If you are fruits, be an apple..
If you are sands, be a Diamond...
If you are in the sea, be a pearl...
No metter how and no metter what you are, they can't take away my dignity...


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